• KrB Photography, cover photo 2
Krb Photography. Intimate portraiture in timeless black and white


In our society you are being criticized for your looks, your weight, for what you eat or don’t eat, for what you wear or don’t wear… You get compelled to live up to unrealistic beauty standards thrown at you everywhere you look. I’ve met very few women who felt completely comfortable in their own skin. Every time it shocks me when a woman tells me about her insecurities. Insecurities she shouldn’t have. 

My wish is to show you that those insecurities have no right to exist. My wish is to show you that you are beautiful, that you are enough and that you should be proud of who you are. Because a woman should never feel like she’s not good enough the way she is. Regardless of looks, age, weight or what you like to wear. Every woman is beautiful, including YOU! And you should FEEL like that!

An intimate portrait session is something you might want to do because of a special occasion, a marriage, a birthday, a milestone in your life, or… just for YOU. An intimate portrait session is about intimacy, vulnerability, sensuality, but even more about femininity, about acceptance, confidence and embracing the beautiful person that you are. Although an intimate portrait session can be scary it also has the power to change how you see yourself. I want you to look at your photographs years from now and remember that time you did something scary, something out of your comfort zone, and that it was worth it. Because YOU are worth it. I want you to be proud of your photographs, and most of all I want you to be proud of who you are.

Girl on bed letting her shirt slip from her shoulder. A second girl stands in front of a white wall holding flowers to cover her chest.

About Kristiaan

Photographer taking a selfportrait with his camera in his hand

I am a curious and creative person, always busy trying to make the most of my time while I wander this planet. I like to travel and explore places that breathe history, enjoy beautiful sceneries like forests, wide open spaces or completely rewind by the quietness you can only find in remote areas. My creative side I express through crafting. I spent some years doing woodwork and recently, I fell in love with pottery. Currently, I’m in the process of collecting a whole set of my own handmade tea cups to enjoy my coffee (they don’t mind, I promise). Besides a good coffee, I’m always in for a proper craft beer with friends or family (the beer thing is kinda mandatory being a Belgian guy).

In my professional life, I strive to help people become their best selves. As a healthcare professional I help people to achieve their best possible state of physical well being. While as a part time photographer I try to make people fall in love with who they are. I found that people don’t always understand my own life choices and along the way I learned that that’s alright. I learned that it is ok to be who I am and to live a life that keeps that spark in me alive.

Your life is your own. That’s the message I like to spread. This is your life, do what you love and don’t let anyone tell you who you should be. You should be YOU. I’ve witnessed from up-close how a photograph can have an effect on someone’s confidence. My wish is to witness that many times more. I hope to see people look at themselves with pride, walk out with more confidence than they came in with, and love themselves just a little bit more.

What people say

  • Deze zomer een fantastische shoot gehad in Gent! En wat een prachtige resultaten! Kristiaan is een hele prettige, rustige en professionele fotograaf. Komt met leuke ideeen en staat open voor eigen inbreng. Alles wordt tot in de puntjes besproken en uitgelegd. Van te voren kennis gemaakt via een video call. Ik voelde me echt op mijn gemak tijdens de shoot, ondanks dat ik geen ervaring heb met voor de camera staan. Zo blij met de resultaten! Miss S.
Student special
Girl standing in front of a window with her back towards us, letting her white lace night robe slip from her shoulders
Girl wearing a black jeans and white shirt laying on her stomach on the bed with her head resting in her arm.
Girl laying on her back on the bed with her arms above her head, her button shirt casually unbuttoned revealing her black bra.

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