Studio KrB

Frequently Asked Questions

The session

Do I have to wear sexy lingerie?

No, you don’t have to wear lingerie at all if you don’t like that. An intimate portrait session is not necessarily a lingerie shoot. While a lot of people like to wear sexy lingerie, this might not be the case for you and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! It is extremely important that you wear something that you feel comfortable in. If you are not comfortable in what you are wearing that will show on your photographs.
If you feel more comfortable in casual underwear, a button shirt, your boyfriend’s or husbands favorite shirt, your pyjamas, … than that is absolutely fine!

Do I have to get naked or partly naked?

No! You are allowed to get naked or partly naked if you want to and if you feel comfortable doing that but there are absolutely no obligations whatsoever! Even if you decide that you would like photographs that show you naked or partly naked you don’t have to walk around naked during your session under any circumstances. It is not a peep show and I, as the photographer, don’t need to see anything more than necessary. In case you would like naked or partly naked photographs but without showing too much it is perfectly fine to cover yourself with your hands, a blanket, a towel, a shirt, … or position yourself with your back towards me and the camera so that no private parts are visible for me or the camera.

Can I book a couple session?

Yes you can! All packages can be booked as a couple shoot. It is the perfect way to celebrate your love for eachother.

Do you offer hair and make-up?

Standard we don’t offer hair and make-up services. Our photography style and vision doesn’t require professional hair and make-up. We strive to photograph you when you are YOU and show you that you are absolutely beautiful without layers of make-up.
That being said, of course you are allowed to use make-up, although it is preferable to not overdo it.. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself we will be happy to book a professional make-up, or hair and make-up, artist. Be aware that the price for this is not included in the package price.

Can I bring someone to my session?

It is not recommended to bring another person unless it will be a couple shoot.
You can bring someone but they can not be in the same room during the preparation and the session itself. They can wait while your session takes place, go for a walk, have a drink, … but if they attend the session as a viewer, it will only be a distraction.
We have allowed this in the past and every time we noticed that our client was more shy than necessary or not completely comfortable because there was someone in the room that she knew personally (whether it was a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife). We’ve seen that the extra person even directed the session into a direction other than our client had envisioned for herself. Which can be very disappointing when you looked forward to this experience.
An Intimate Portrait session is all about YOU and you should see it as well deserved me-time.

That being said, it is not forbidden to bring someone along.
If you really don’t feel comfortable being alone during the session, someone may accompany you. We do however emphasize above stated experiences we have with additional attendees. If you were to bring someone, this person should not disrupt the session in any way.

Payment and products

I don’t want printed photographs, can I order digital files only?

Yes, you can, apart from our collections we have A la Carte options that include digital photographs; although I highly recommend to include printed photographs in your order.
As we all know, digital files tend to live in a folder on our computer and are rarely looked at. Your photographs deserve so much more than that! They deserve to be printed on high quality paper to be admired often.
When ordering our middle or top collection, including a luxurious album, you will also receive the ordered photographs as digital files. You will get the best of both worlds this way, and for a better price!

Can I pay the session fee on the day of the session or after the session?

No, your session fee covers the cost of the shooting time and the location fee (if applicable). Arrangements need to be made weeks before your session to make sure your session can take place as planned. Your session date can only be confirmed and secured after payment of the session fee.

Can I pay for my print order after delivery?

No, since your order is highly personal there is no way for me to recover the cost in case you cancel your order after it has been processed and printed. Orders will only be processed after the payment is received.

Do I need to book a standard package?

No, the standerd packages offer the best value but if you have other needs or wishes please get in touch so that we can talk about the possibilities. 

How long will it take to receive my printed photographs?

Please take into account that it may take up to 3 weeks to fully edit your selected photographs (counting from your in person viewing session). Once your pictures are ready to be printed it may take up another 2 weeks for your order to be processed and delivered by the printing company (that might be more in very busy periods). If you need your order for a special occasion or before a set date I would recommend planning your session at least 8 weeks, or more, before your deadline.

I would like to receive more photographs than the amount included in the package. Is this possible?

Of course this is possible. You can order as much photographs as you like. The albums do have a limitation regarding the number of pages they can contain but there is definitely room to include extra pages. If you would like more photographs than included in the standard packages I will gladly talk about the options and pricing during your in person viewing session.

Do you only photograph in black and white?

Yes, I only photograph in black and white at this point. There are two reasons for that.

First, color styles are subject to change and they change rapidly. You can compare it to fashion trends.
Think about photographs taken in de 90’s. You can clearly see that they were taken in the 90’s and that the present style is very different. Thanks to social media platforms and photo sharing websites these changes occur faster and faster. Photographers try to get noticed in the masses by creating new color styles and trends.
While in only a few years time you would notice that a certain color style is already ‘outdated’, black and white will always be black and white and therefore timeless. Regardless the trends in 10 years from now, your black and white photographs will still be relevant and no one will think they are “old” or “outdated”.

Second, because black and white lacks color you can pretty much wear any color or color combination without it being distracting from the main focus, which is YOU. Without color, a photograph becomes much purer and pure is what we are looking for.


What happens with my photographs after my session and after I received my order?

Absolutely nothing! Your photographs will be safely archived for 1 year in case you would like to order extra prints (longer archiving is optional). They will never be used by us, or made accessible to others, for any reason, without your written permission.
If you are so proud of your photographs and would like me to share them on my website and social media than this is of course possible. But only after a written and signed permission. I have a separate contract available for this purpose.

Strictly online puposes

I would like photographs for my OF page, is this possible?

Yes, this is possible. We have digital options without printed products. Please get in touch by filling out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to talk about your wishes, the conditions and availability.


Why can’t I book a session without a first consultation?

An intimate portrait session is a very personal experience and I like to treat it as such. Not everyone has the same expectations, preferences or comfort level. These are all very important topics that I like to discuss with you so that I will be able to prepare your session according to your specific wishes and style preferences.

The free info session is usually done via videocall, which means that we see and talk to each other before the session. This way, you already have an idea of who you will meet during the session and I won’t be a complete stranger when you arrive on the day of your session. We have heard several times that this helps a great deal regarding possible nerves you might have for your session.

I can’t wait to book my Intimate Portrait session! How do I do that?

I am so pleased to hear that and very excited to start planning your session! Please get in touch by filling out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible so that we can schedule a first in person or online consultation. We will talk about your personal preferences and I will answer all the questions you might have before we look at a date for your session.

Contact us
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Hello beautiful!

We would love to hear how we can assist you.

When we are doing a photo session our attention goes 100% towards our lovely clients, that means that we are not always able to respond immediately.
Feel free to let us know what we can help you with and we will respond as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

KrB Photography